Upper Cervical Chiropractic of Edmond: Designing Wellness
At Upper Cervical Chiropractic of Edmond, my role went beyond just creating visuals—I became part of the wellness journey. As both a client and creative partner, I’ve experienced the impact of the NUCCA technique, a precise method focused on the alignment of the upper cervical spine.
While the logo was already established, my task was to build a cohesive brand experience around it. From the website to patient forms, business cards, and signage, every piece was designed to echo the core principles of balance and alignment that Dr. Michael Rowe practices. The goal was simple: create a visual narrative that not only complements the existing logo but also amplifies the message of holistic well-being.
Through thoughtful design, I aimed to ensure that every touchpoint reflects the transformative power of the NUCCA technique, creating a seamless brand experience that resonates with both new and existing patients.
Preview the website draft by clicking the link below.
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