The Challenge
Shine Bright Perimeters is a professional cleaning service with a mission to make every space gleam. The owner/operator wanted a brand identity that would resonate with clients across residential, office, and real estate markets. The task? To create a visual identity that’s clean, versatile, and as bright as the spaces they transform.
Concept Development
In the initial discovery phase, it was clear that the brand needed to communicate trust, reliability, and a commitment to quality. "Shine Bright" isn’t just a name—it’s a promise. The challenge was to encapsulate this promise in a design that felt fresh and professional, yet approachable.
I explored a range of ideas, from abstract symbols to more literal representations of cleanliness and shine. After several iterations, we landed on a concept that combines a modern, elegant cursive font with subtle sparkles and pastel tones. This design speaks to the brand’s meticulous attention to detail while maintaining a sense of warmth and approachability.
Logo Design & Visual Elements
The logo needed to be adaptable across various mediums—business cards, vehicle decals, and digital platforms. The final design features a custom logo that balances simplicity with a touch of elegance. Soft pastels were chosen to evoke a sense of calm and cleanliness, while the sparkles add a subtle reminder of the brand’s promise to leave every space shining bright.
Typography & Color Palette
Choosing the right typeface was crucial. We opted for a modern cursive that pairs well with the logo’s clean lines, ensuring the brand remains professional yet inviting. The color palette—light pastels with soft accents—was carefully selected to reflect the brand’s commitment to creating serene, pristine environments.
In addition to the logo, we delivered a comprehensive Brand Visual Guide. This included detailed usage guidelines, ensuring that Shine Bright Perimeters maintains a consistent and professional image across all touchpoints. Mockups for stationary and social media assets were also provided, giving the client a clear vision of how the brand would come to life.
It was a pleasure working on this project, and I’m confident that this brand identity will serve Shine Bright Perimeters well as it continues to expand.
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